It has been over a week and we are no closer to having answers on Natasha Fyles’ secret sacking scandal of Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker.

“The only things that are clear is that no one can have any faith in Natasha Fyles to fix the mess she has created and that Territorians will pick up her tab,” said Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro.

“The question now is how much will Territorians pay to make Natasha Fyles’ bad headlines go away?

“While Natasha Fyles and Jamie Chalker fight each other who is fighting to keep Territorians safe. Who is running the Territory?”

“Over the weekend when all Territorians should have been celebrating Easter safely with their friends and family, many again were victims of crime. With a string of break-ins and stolen cars across the Territory, even the criminals know that Labor’s changes to bail were nothing more than window dressing.

“What the Territory needs now is certainty, but what we have is secrecy.

“Natasha Fyles must clarify how long this legal stoush is going to go on for, what the cost is to Territorians and what her plan is going forward.

“Whilst the Police force has an acting Commissioner it will remain in a holding pattern. What we need is strong leadership at the highest levels of Government.”

“Natasha Fyles has told us over and over that her government would act transparently and with integrity. This couldn’t be further from the truth.” said Mrs Finocchiaro.