Earlier this year Alice Springs made national headlines after the Fyles Labor Government’s repeal of Stronger Futures, led to a further increase in an already disastrous crime situation.

CLP Members representing Alice Springs, Joshua Burgoyne and Bill Yan, are yet to even receive a reply from the Prime Minister calling for help.

“The Prime Minister came to town with a cheque to try and get himself, and Alice Springs, off the front page. Since then we’re hearing from stakeholders that they’re yet to see a cent. Now according to Federal Labor, we have to wait for the Federal Budget to even see the details.” Mr Burgoyne said.

“It’s another slap in the face for our town. We have been struggling with crime and a dysfunctional Territory Labor Government far before Anthony Albanese’s media problems started.”

“Despite writing to the Prime Minister telling him we are a town under siege, and asking that he send in the AFP to help our exhausted police take back control of our streets, we didn’t even get a response.”

“Not even two weeks later, we asked that he commission an immediate audit into funds going to Central Australia, as it’s clear the spending is not working. Again not even an acknowledgement.” He said.

Mr Yan said he is dumbfounded that a Prime Minister wouldn’t even have the respect for Alice Springs residents to respond.

“We saw a fly in fly out visit, a cheque and a staged media conference. If you want to see what it’s really like here Albo, stay the night, come out with me and I’ll show you what’s really going on, bring Natasha Fyles with you!” He said.