Last night three people were victims of stabbings, one lost her life.

My sincerest condolences go to all who are grieving.

While our thoughts and prayers are with their families it’s not enough.

With each violent attack, the lives impacted grows, the family and friends of the victims, we must think of the hospitality workers who desperately tried to revive a life, the retail worker seeing stabbings in front of them, the ambulance, police and security first to the scene.

Their lives have changed.

The city we know and love has changed.

The Territory we know and love has changed.

Territorians have been crying out that if the Government doesn’t take stronger action that someone would lose their life, then Declan lost his.

Since then Territorians have gathered en masse with a simple message ‘enough is enough’.

But the calls of Territorians were not enough to get the Fyles Government to act so today, we wake up with another loss of life, and another two victims of knife crime at a major shopping centre.

Territorians used to live their lives looking forward to the future, now we live our lives looking over our shoulder.

The number one concern of any Government must be to keep the community safe.

To save the Territory and save the lives of Territorians we must take strong and immediate action to restore consequences for actions.

The Government cannot continue to make excuses citing generational change, the reality is that none of that is possible until law and order is restored.