Today the Chief Minister announced a further three month extension to alcohol restrictions in Alice Springs, but it is an exercise in buying time for a lost government according to Shadow Minister for Health Bill Yan and Shadow Minister for Territory Families Joshua Burgoyne.

Mr Yan says “The Chief Minister repeatedly said on radio this morning that she didn’t have ‘the data’ to answer questions, but she’s clearly also not doing anything to go and get it.”

“This morning’s announcement on alcohol from Natasha Fyles is frankly a cop out if it isn’t backed up with further commitments to do the work needed on alcohol policy.”

“Her comments saying that the restrictions are working, show how out of touch she really is with what we’re continuing to face every single day.”

“The Chief Minister was only able to cite a reduction in hospital presentations as her evidence for success, and whilst that is an important measure, we know it goes far beyond that.” Mr Yan said.

“Every night we are still a town under siege from alcohol fuelled violence, and these restrictions were meant only as a reprieve, not a long term solution. One part of the plan, not a set and forget.”

“If the Chief Minister was serious, she would have called in the Liquor Commissioner to conduct an inquiry into the restrictions and she would be immediately reviewing the BDR.” Mr Burgoyne said.

“The Chief Minister has been the Alcohol Minister for six years, to say she doesn’t have the data is just ridiculous.” “She can continue to say she’s doing the ‘hard grinding work’, that ‘it’s complex’ or that ‘she is absolutely focused’, but frankly we’re sick of the slogans that are not backed up by real commitments to make a change.” said Mr Burgoyne.