Over the weekend, AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) threatened to pull the Alice Springs AFL game after community sports were forced to change their operation due to Labor’s Crime Crisis.

Sadly, it comes as no surprise to residents that another major sporting event is looking to leave Alice Springs.

In a letter to council, AFLNT said that the decision to cancel community sports in Alice Springs would mean they would have to “review the viability” of the AFL match slated to be played in round 16 with GWS set to take on Melbourne at Traeger Park.

Joshua Burgoyne, Shadow Minister for Territory Families said, “This comes as a direct result of the Fyles Labor Government failing to address crime and anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs and their lack of investment here. It is yet another blow to our town and we’re sick of missing out.

“We’re just a problem for the Fyles Government that they wish wasn’t in the media. Clearly we aren’t worth investing in, according to Natasha Fyles.

“The AFL games that are played in the NT are part of a paid partnership between the NT Government and the AFL.  The Labor Government need to ensure Alice continues to be able to hold AFL matches due to the investment the town has made in order to do so,” said Mr Burgoyne.

Bill Yan, Shadow Minister for Health said “This is just another example of Labor’s complete failure to address crime, which is forcing major events to turn their backs on our town and costing our local economy every single day.

“If the Fyles Labor Government fails to negotiate, and AFLNT pull the AFL game from our town, I fear it will be another nail in the coffin.

“Sport plays such an important role in the culture of our town, and this is just another kick in the guts, to a community already on its knees.

“Last week, Natasha Fyles said she’s working to make “Alice Springs vibrant and safe”. Chief Minister, under your government, Alice Springs is not safe, and it’s not vibrant. It’s time for you to step up, and save our town,” said Mr Yan.