In a bid to sweeten public sentiment the Fyles Labor Government has started to drip feed announcements for their upcoming Budget. Yet even then they’ve spectacularly missed the mark by announcing $3million for the greening and cooling of Smith Street.

Deputy Leader Gerard Maley said “We have already seen what this means under Labor with the embarrassing shadeless shade structure on Cavanagh Street that we’re all still paying to maintain!

“Every time you think this Labor Government couldn’t possibly be more out of touch they take it up a notch,” he said.

“The Treasurer, Eva Lawler, has even rinsed and repeated her old lines trying to spruik that the cooling of the city would bring more visitors to Darwin.

“If Labor want more people to come to our city they need to take immediate action on crime, which every Territorian knows is the number one deterrent to tourists.

“My message to the Labor Treasurer is get your head out of the sand.

“All this announcement has done has confirmed that Labor have learned nothing from their wasteful spending and have complete disrespect for taxpayer money,” Mr Maley said.