With the news of the settlement of the failed sacking of now former Police
Commissioner Jamie Chalker, it is clear Natasha Fyles has used taxpayer money to
prevent her from appearing in court.

While the Territory is in a police and Crime Crisis, Territorians are rightly outraged over
this public display of incompetence.

Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro, said today “This is a PR Problem Pay Out and it’s
Territorians who will pay up.”

“It’s another cover up for another mess made by Natasha Fyles. This whole process has
been mismanaged and yet again the taxpayer will foot the bill.

“Natasha Fyles needs to front up to taxpayers and tell them how much she paid to get
out of appearing in court and revealing the true details of her bungle.

“Just like the Howard Springs debacle we’re seeing smoke and mirrors when it comes to
the true cost of an inexperienced Chief Minister making poor decisions.

“Natasha Fyles may have paid her way out of a Supreme Court appearance but she is
being judged by Territorians in the court of public opinion,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.