Just one day after Natasha Fyles did a press conference in a veiled attempt to announce the ‘retirement’ of Jamie Chalker she has been forced to issue a statement admitting she made misleading comments.

Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro, says “this is a cover up for a cover up.”

“Clearly caught out over another choreographed press conference trying to hide the true extent of the settlement.

“Natasha Fyles has apologised to Jamie Chalker, but not to all the Territorians she misleads every single day.

“This is an integrity crisis and it’s Territorians who are paying.

“Territorians keep telling me they’re sick of the ever changing stories from Natasha Fyles. Her priority is clearly managing the media not managing the Territory” she said.

When first asked about Jamie Chalker’s failed sacking last month the Chief Minister said she ‘wasn’t afraid to have the difficult conversations’ yet now she is trying to spin to Territorians that all negotiating was done at arms length?

“Let’s not forget this is a Chief Minister who when taking over from Michael Gunner promised a new dawn of open and transparent Government. Under Natasha Fyles the taxpayer bill for her mismanagement is as clear as mud,” said Mrs Finocchiaro