Lachlan Reynolds has been getting ready to realise his goal of opening his own Chiropractic business in Palmerston. Having found what he thought would be the perfect location, he secured a lease and set to work on fit out.

During this time Lachlan has been broken into 5 times, the latest being this week, with glass being smashed by rocks and a hammer. Each time violence for violence sake. 

“I’m meant to open on Saturday. I’m yet to take in any revenue and I’ve already forked out $20,000 in damage. It’s me who pays while they get away scot-free.

”I’m insured, but premiums are going up and up.

“I’m not even eligible for a BizSecure grant as I am not officially trading yet – what a joke.

“This latest attack happened at 5.40pm. If this had been next week, that’s in opening hours and I could have been with a client.

“I’m wondering if it’s even worth continuing. If nothing changes, how can I run my new business like this?” Mr Reynolds said.

Shadow Minister for Small Business Marie-Clare Boothby said “this is yet another example of the toll that crime is taking due to the Fyles Labor Government’s inaction. We need people like Lachlan to take that leap of faith to start their businesses. They deserve a government that backs them every step of the way.

“People like Lachlan provide a boost to the local economy, a vital health service and local jobs.

“Natasha Fyles’ answer to people like Lachlan is shutters and bollards, when it should be going after the criminals who continue to target his livelihood.

“We cannot have a strong economy until we get law and order under control.

“The CLP continue to put forward stronger laws that would ensure consequences for offending like proper bail reform and our new ram raids legislation. How many more stories like Lachlan’s will Natasha Fyles have to hear before she backs our measures?” Ms Boothby said.