In a lacklustre budget handed down this morning, Labor’s Treasurer has failed to address the number one concern facing Territorians which is community safety.

Opposition Leader Finocchiaro said, “We cannot have a strong economy while law and order is out of control and this has clearly been fundamentally lost on the Labor Treasurer and Chief Minister yet again.”

“You cannot walk into any café or family home in the Territory where crime isn’t a topic of conversation and yet crime only rated a mention once in the Treasurer’s speech.”

“The fact that Labor do not understand the direct impact lawlessness is having on our economy shows they simply do not have the experience needed to get the Territory back on track.

“Investing $35 million for tourism to ‘market harder’ will be money down the drain while headlines of savage attacks and robberies continue to be at the end of every prospective visitor’s fingertips.” she said.

In a two page fact sheet headed ‘A Safer Territory’ the CLP is very worried about some of the announcements.

“In their own factsheet Labor highlights that they want to further abolish mandatory sentencing and have more people out on bail.”

“I am shocked that there is only about $2 million in new Territory government spending for police.”

“Again the Labor Party has made it clear they are completely guided by their ideology and will not do what is necessary to strengthen the law and protect the community”. Mrs Finocchiaro said.