This week Natasha Fyles had the chance to lay down a budget that addressed the biggest concern in the minds of every Territorian. Sadly, for every Territorian living in fear her budget was nothing of the sort.

Today, the Shadow Attorney General Steve Edgington called on Labor to back the CLP’s bail laws on urgency next week.

“We’ve got a Labor bail review that hasn’t seen the light of day, bail changes that were little more than window dressing and Territorians literally standing on the steps of Parliament calling for action.”

“This week Labor patted themselves on the back on law and order ‘achievements’ while again, outside there was chaos on our streets in our homes and in our businesses.”

“Our bail laws will see ALL violent offenders start with a position of no bail.”

“There is no greater responsibility of a government than to keep their citizens safe, so we are calling on all members of the Parliament to do their job.”

“Stop putting politics over people Natasha and work with us.”

“Each and every member will be judged by their constituents on the choice they make on bail next week. Will they stand up and start to work with the CLP to strengthen the law?” Mr. Edgington said.