In a week where Labor presented a budget with a near $10 billion debt, a list of major projects yet to get off the ground and confirmation that their $40 billion economy was never going to come to fruition, the last thing our economy needs is more uncertainty.

The Deputy Leader of the Opposition criticised the Territory Labor Government for again sending all the wrong messages to industry.

“Last week, Labor’s phony display of support for the Beetaloo didn’t even last a week before being myth-busted again by their own side.”

“Last week we had countless taxpayer dollars spent on full page ads promoting Labor’s so called support for the Beetaloo, only for the truth to appear days later on the front page.

“We know that Natasha Fyles does not support our gas industry, her party don’t support the gas industry, and her Federal Colleagues have once again shown they don’t support the industry.”

“And this isn’t even the first time this year we’ve seen gas lighting on gas. In February this year we had Natasha Fyles saying she had negotiated with the Federal Labor Government when it comes to carbon credits and just days later the Federal Climate Minister saying those conversations never occurred.

Mr Maley went on to say the CLP’s track record on the issue couldn’t be more different.

“The CLP have always supported a safe, well regulated gas industry, it creates long term jobs, a huge boost to our economy and is integral to our transition to renewable energy.”

“Whether it be minerals or gas, we have always supported these industries with economic certainty every step of the way.”