Today the CLP, on behalf of Territorians, put forward Laws that would properly strengthen bail, only to be shut down in a farcical display by the Labor Government.

Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro says she is absolutely outraged at the Government’s decision to use the Parliament not as a tool of change but as a political play thing.

“I was standing for only 47 seconds to move that the Parliament suspend standing orders so that we could address the urgent need for bail reform when Labor gagged debate.” she said.

“What the Labor Government doesn’t understand is that today they didn’t shut down the CLP, they shut down every Territorian calling for immediate action on crime.”

“Our bail laws that could have been voted on today, made law today, would have seen ALL violent serious offenders start with a position of no bail.”

“But what did Labor do, they shut it down, congratulated themselves and laughed, disgusting.”

“My message to Natasha Fyles is simple, under your laws bailing is failing.”

“Territorians are terrified in their homes, at work and out on our street.”

“We’ve got a Labor bail review that hasn’t seen the light of day, bail changes that were little more than window dressing and thousands of Territorians literally standing on the steps of Parliament calling for action.”

She said “We have seen this Government slapping themselves on the back and putting on an Oscar worthy performance of political self-servitude while outside in the community, Territorians are at their wits end, planning their exits strategies from the place they once loved.”

“There is no greater responsibility of any government than to keep its citizens safe, and it is a privilege to serve Territorians. A privilege that Labor continues to squander.”

“Lives are being lost, and Labor, by refusing to take this action has blood on its hands, when will enough be enough for Natasha Fyles.”