Minister for Police, Kate Worden has for the second time banned the Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro from visiting a police station, this time in Borroloola. She also blocked access to Tennant Creek police station in the middle of last year.

The Opposition is required to get approval from the Government for organisational purposes, not as a right of veto.

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro is outraged and says “Blocking me from thanking our hard working police and listening to their concerns and experiences first hand is disrespectful and petty.”

“This Police Minister, refuses to back an inquiry into Police, wouldn’t even be shown in a photo on my social media at a Police Graduation and now she doesn’t want me even speaking with Police. She needs to grow up.”

“This Government is proving themselves a dictatorship, solely concerned on managing the message and the media, it’s a disgrace.” Said Mrs Finocchiaro.

“When will Labor understand that it’s not about them, it’s about Territorians.”

“They can continue to be a Government that hides from reality inside Parliament but I will not let this constant behaviour of secrecy go unchecked.” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

“Labor are trying to stop me from doing my job, because they are failing to do theirs.”