Yesterday afternoon in broad daylight a man lost his life, stabbed to death outside the Todd Tavern in Alice Springs.

The Opposition along with Territorians fueled by fear, anger and sadness are calling for Natasha Fyles to finally front up and outline what immediate actions will be taken to stop the recurring violent offending causing loss of lives.

Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley said “When Territorians hear of these horrific deaths they want action, they want answers and they want change. Natasha Fyles must front the media today and do her job.”

“How many more lives have to be lost on her watch? How many more thousands have to rally desperate for change to keep going unheard? Enough is enough.”

“Weeks ago the Fyles Government announced they would stamp out knife crime, since then we have had more stabbing in shopping centres, in our streets and at our workplaces. Every Territorian can see this hasn’t worked, but can Natasha Fyles?

“We recently heard from the Prime Minister that Natasha Fyles has not even requested AFP support!”

Shadow Treasurer and Member for Namitjira Bill Yan is reeling at the impact on so many lives across his community. Something he says Labor simply does not understand.

“I want to firstly thank the first responders who not only attended this horrific crime but had come from another tragic incident where officers rescued a three year old child from a house fire and desperately worked to provide CPR, only to lose that battle.”

“Upon hearing of the stabbing I rang Police who informed me their team were shattered after dealing with these heart wrenching crimes. The images of what our incredible police, firies and ambo’s face on days like yesterday, stay with them forever.”

“This Government hides away in Parliament unwilling to sit down with all those who are feeling the impacts of living in fear. This has got to end, we cannot continue to live like this, nor should we have too.”

“Natasha Fyles and Kate Worden, stop your excuses about complexities and long term change, we need action now.”