Labor’s smoke and mirrors continued today when it comes to the cost paid by Territorians on the bungled sacking of Jamie Chalker. Despite questions on Jamie Chalker’s legal fees being hand-balled by the Police Minister last week and in yesterday’s session with the Chief Minster to the Attorney General, today he kicked it back to the Chief Minister.

Shadow Attorney General said, “This is an absolute farce and shows that wasting Territorians money to this Labor Government is all a game.”

“Territorians have had a gut-full of paying for Labor’s mistakes and being deceived time after time.”

Chansey Paech seemed to be blindsided by the Chief Minister’s answer yesterday to release the bail review answering “I believe that the Police Minister made a commitment yesterday”. This is in stark contrast to his comments saying it would not be public or in a report format.

“The Attorney General got very tangled up when the Opposition asked for further detail in relation to his bail review which was sold to Territorians as ‘immediate’ despite Labor being almost 3 months on from the announcement with nothing to show for it.”

“It was very concerning that the Attorney General when asked ‘is a knife an offensive weapon?’ said that this was a hypothetical question.”

“This is the chief legal officer in the Territory and he couldn’t answer this simple question despite it being in the Weapons Control Act”

“If he doesn’t understand what is or isn’t in place how can he possibly review it?” said Mr Edgington.

“Of further concern after continuing to claim a weapons based approach was being taken in relation to the bail review, the Attorney General could not provide what evidence was actually being examined.”

“All we have had confirmed by the Attorney General today is that like Natasha Fyles, he isn’t up to the job and will continue to focus on managing the media not managing the Territory.”