This morning Territorians living in the Chief Minister’s own electorate woke to reports that Nightcliff Primary School had been broken into. Many parents received a text saying they could not bring their preschool and transition students to school today due to the damage.

Shadow Education Minister, Jo Hersey said that this was off the back of two break-ins in her home town in Katherine over the weekend – St Joseph’s Catholic School and Katherine East Childcare.

“At St Joseph’s a large knife was found after the break-in, left behind by one of the criminals.”

“It is not good enough that teachers and students continue to be in the situation where they can’t access their classrooms, due to criminal damage.”

“This is exactly why I asked the questions I did last week in estimates in relation to the devastating impact crime is having on our schools.”

“Parents receiving a message that their school is closed in the morning sends families into chaos, and yet Labor’s Education Minister called me ‘pathetic’ for raising these concerns.”

“What is pathetic is just how out of touch Eva Lawler is! Why doesn’t she get herself down to Nightcliff today and see for herself what is really happening at schools on her watch – perhaps she can bring the Chief Minister with her!” Mrs Hersey said.