Yesterday it was announced that the Howard Springs Quarantine Facility will be repurposed as accommodation for Defence Force personnel.

With defence personnel set to occupy the facility immediately, the total cost of “Wear & Tear” must be known to the Fyles Labor Government.

“Today the CLP can reveal from what we uncovered in Estimates that the estimated cost to Territorians from the Howard Springs Saga will reach upwards of $1.56million.”

Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said, “Territorians know this Labor Government is obsessed with secrecy. But the announcement Natasha Fyles made yesterday put her cards on the table – she knows the cost of repairs to the facility and continues to hide it from Territorians.”

“If repairs will be finished in 4 weeks time, then Natasha Fyles knows the total cost and should come clean about it.”

“During Budget Estimates, Labor Treasurer Eva Lawler claimed only $288,000 had been spent so far, then went on to say $45,000 had been spent on repairing 100 windows. With 573 windows left to replace, at $450 (per window) that would cost taxpayers $302,850 in windows alone.”

“Again, leaving Territorians with more questions than answers.”

“A name change and new purpose cannot cover up the fact that Natasha Fyles is still hiding the true cost of “wear & tear” to the facility to Territorians”.

“Natasha Fyles never wanted Territorians to know the cost to damage at Howard Springs.”

“The CLP Opposition won’t stop fighting for answers, from a government that operates in secrecy”

Cost to Howard Springs Facility Breakdown:

Repairs and Maintenance197,000
Fire extinguishers11,000
Windows (100)45,000
Windows (573)- Estimate257,850