Tourism in Central Australia needs a lifeline after the chaotic summer of crime continues to hit our tourism operators hard.

Shadow Treasurer Bill Yan and Member for Braitling, Josh Burgoyne are calling for $1 million from the $35m ‘market harder’ budget, to be set aside for urgent tourism vouchers.

Mr Burgoyne said, “Central Australian tourism businesses need urgent help if they are going to survive what is one of the weakest peak seasons we have ever seen.”

“What we are hearing loud and clear from tourism operators is that crime in Alice Springs is keeping tourists away and they need urgent action.”

“Natasha Fyles allowed crime to get out of control and our reputation to be trashed, she needs to come to the table with something to help tourism providers here.”

“This time of year we are used to seeing our hotels and venues packed, but the constant reports of how unsafe it is in Alice Springs due to the crime crisis has seen a shocking visitor decline.”

Shadow Treasurer, Bill Yan said, “The Labor Tourism Minister, Nicole Manison refuses to acknowledge that crime is the number one issue impacting Central Australian Tourism and instead keep spruiking her budget package to “market harder”.

“Marketing isn’t cutting it when the core issues are not being addressed. Instead of paying marketers, Labor can give Territorians a direct incentive to travel to Central Australia.

“We’re still waiting on the $250 million to hit the ground and now even Labor’s own Federal Member is suggesting that this be carved up to help tourism providers, proving that there is no plan for this money currently in place.”

“The facts are that we can’t wait any longer, if the Territory Government are serious the need to allocate $1 million from their marketing budget into the voucher schemes to get more people into our hotels, venues and visiting our tourism experiences.”

Details on Proposal:

  • $1million to be allocated to a round of Tourism Vouchers from the $35 million to marketing Central Australia.
  • Tourism vouchers for tourists visiting Central Australia, as a dollar for dollar match up to $200.
  • Central Australian region.

Tourism Central Australia CEO Danial Rochford has supported our plan for a round of Tourism Vouchers in Central Australia.