For almost 1000 days our hard-working Territory firefighters have been fighting for a pay rise from the Fyles Labor Government. Yet Labor’s minister responsible was too busy to come to the table, instead choosing to attend the show circuit.

Minister for Public Employment, Paul Kirby, cancelled the latest meeting between the United Workers Union and his department to resolve the pay dispute for a further 3 weeks.

Shadow Minister for Public Employment, Bill Yan said, “This is a Labor government with all the wrong priorities, more concerned with promoting their Labor mates on the show circuit than backing in our Territory’s firefighters.”

“This pay dispute has gone on for far too long. Our firefighters go out every day, leaving their families to protect ours, and the best this government can offer up is yet another delay.”

“For Labor’s Minister to cancel a meeting that could finally resolve prolonged pay issues to promote their Labor mates on the show circuit is disgraceful.”

“This is just another example of the Fyles Labor Government neglecting our front line.”

“Labor’s Minister must make it a priority to sit down and resolve these pay issues immediately.”

“It’s certainly not good enough and our firefighters deserve better.”

“The real circus isn’t on the show circuit, it’s in the Fyles Labor Government,” said Mr Yan.