Natasha Fyles has struck another blow to our hard-working police force, by saying on radio while speaking on police taking leave:

“… when you get out remote, if you are one of just a couple of officers there, it can be really difficult. And so, you are choosing to let the community down by looking after yourself.” (ABC Radio, 11/7/23)

This latest blow comes after less than a month ago, Natasha Fyles blamed police for her weak bail laws, and was forced to call the NTPA President to apologise.

This is off the back of earlier this year when Natasha Fyles told our police to ‘step up’ – where she again was forced to apologise.

The Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro said, “This latest blow to our Territory Cops shows that Natasha Fyles’ apology to the NTPA less than a month ago was nothing more than lip service.”

“We don’t want a third meaningless apology from Natasha Fyles, we want this government to back our urgent inquiry into our police force, resource our police properly, and to empower our police with stronger laws.”

“It’s clear to Territorians that Labor is tough on cops, but soft on criminals. And is happy to blame everyone else but herself for her government’s failure to support our police – while also claiming in Budget Estimates that she is not responsible for crime.”