During Budget Estimates the CLP uncovered the severe impact crime is having on our economy and our key service delivery. With the return of the unanswered questions that were taken on notice the costs continue to stack up.

Today the CLP Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said, “The CLP has uncovered that in the past financial year to March 31 2023, Labor has had to spend over $10 million on security guards at our hospitals to keep staff and patients safe.”

“Territorians are contacting the CLP reporting serious incidents and concerns at hospitals, yet the Chief Minister, as Health Minister has continued to play the issue down.”

“We also uncovered that in same 9 months there has been 586 safety incidents raised by nursing staff and 1,026 incidents by NT Health staff, with 17 of those classified as major incidents.”

“If crime wasn’t out of control, more funding could be allocated to properly resourcing our hospitals to be able to deliver better patient care.”

“Over $8 million of this money was spent at Royal Darwin and Palmerston Hospitals, during that same time these facilities were in Code Yellow for bed capacity for 46 days and $533,446 was spent buying bed services from Darwin Private Hospital.”

“Our frontline staff are under attack and despite Natasha Fyles refusal to admit it, the safety of our frontline staff is no doubt a big factor in the 15% attrition rate in the health sector, ”Mrs Finocchiaro said.