Territorians have been gathering in their thousands calling out for change to the bail act. For five months Labor’s excuse has been yet again to conduct a ‘secret review’ in place of action.

During this time more Territorians continue to be victims of crime at the hands of offenders out on bail.

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro today said, “Today we learned that Labor will not be strengthening bail. Natasha Fyles announcing no further changes to the Bail Act is a disgrace and completely out of line with Territorians expectations.”

“Labor has failed to listen to the most important people in conducting this ‘expert review’, the everyday Territorian, who are scared for their family under Natasha Fyles weak laws.

“Bail is a privilege not a right. If you commit a serious violent offence, you should start with a position of no bail and under the CLP you would.

“Again the calls the CLP have made on expanding the definition of a controlled weapon to include weapons of opportunity like smashed bottles, bats, rocks and star piquets have been completely ignored.

“Labor’s focus on managing the media not the Territory is on full display in this report with the tricky and manipulative data they have used to back up the excuse of no change to bail. Labor have cited only figures of those on bail who committed serious violent offences, which does not cover all other crimes we know are being committed, like car theft and property offenders.”

“We have seen Natasha Fyles blame everyone and everything she could for the rise of violent offences on her watch, covid, the courts even the police, but at the end of the day the buck stops with her. It’s her failure to keep Territorians safe.” Mrs Finocchiaro said.