Over the last week several economic reports released show the Territory as the worst performing economy in the nation, but according to Labor it’s everyone and everything else’s fault.

Shadow Treasurer Bill Yan today said “Territorians have had a gutful of Labor’s spin and excuses, crime is out of control, the Territory’s reputation is in tatters and our economy continues to go backwards. While Territorians are struggling to get ahead under Labor’s economic mismanagement, Labor blames Covid, migration and international factors. The facts are this doesn’t stack up because the rest of Australia is driving forward.

“The Labour Force statistics show’s an astounding drop in jobs figures, in the last month alone, a drop of over 4300 part time jobs and 1600 full time jobs this is in our peak tourism and hospitality season where we should see a boom in jobs.

“This is reflected in retail spending. At this time of year we should be experiencing a spike in retail spending but again under Labor who have decimated our tourism and hospitality sector retail spending is going backwards”

“Commsec State of the States report shows the Territory is the worst in the nation when it comes to housing finance, dwelling starts, equipment investment and construction work. This shows that people no longer have the confidence they once did to build their business, raise their family and invest here.” Mr Yan said.

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said “Every day I speak to Territorians who are having to make sacrifices for their family, they can no longer afford footy lessons for the kids, even this weekend’s trip to the Darwin show is under threat because of the continued rise in cost of living.”

“Today’s CPI figures show that here in Darwin families are paying even more for essential items. The average CPI increase is up another 1.2% but when it comes to everyday things like milk, bread, kids clothes and gas for the stove or BBQ we see increases of at least 4%. Families don’t have any room left in their budget to make room for Labor’s rising costs.

“Despite what Territorians are experiencing Labor’s treasurer today when asked about our terrible economic performance disgracefully said ‘it’s a good news story’”

“This is yet another display of how Labor is out of touch with what Territorians are facing. Struggling to pay the bills, paying more at the checkout, seeing their long term family and friends leave and not being able to sleep safely at night it not a good news story for any Territorian.” Mrs Finocchiaro said.