Today Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro called on Natasha Fyles to be open and transparent around the date and time that Samara Laverty’s petition of more than 26,000 people will be debated, and challenged Labor to allow the petition to come before Parliament for open debate.

“The Fyles Government uses Parliament as a shield to control debate and hide from scrutiny”

“Natasha Fyles controls the Parliament and if she genuinely wants the voices of 26,000 people to be heard, she will publically announce the time and date for the debate so that Samara Laverty and the thousands of Territorians who have joined her in calling for change, can sit in the gallery to listen”

“If Natasha Fyles really wanted to be open and transparent, she would publish the date and time of the petition debate and extend it from 16 minutes to an unlimited debate”

“Let’s not forget that Territorians waited four months for Natasha Fyles’ secret bail review only to be told not one change would be made to bail.

“This is now those people calling for change using another means to desperately try and get the Labor Government to listen. They should be heard!”

“Tell us the date and time Natasha Fyles so that Territorians can be part of our democracy. What have you got to hide?” Said Mrs Finocchiaro.