This morning we heard from the NTPA President Nathan Finn that again this Government had kept the NTPA, representing our frontline police, out of the loop when it comes to the bail review, wanding laws and raising the age of criminal responsibility.

Mr Finn revealed this morning that the first police on the ground heard of the wanding laws was through the media and are very concerned about the convoluted approval process involved.

Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro today said “The CLP raised these concerns in Parliament and it was immediately clear that Labor’s Police Minister Kate Worden was not across the detail on how this would practically work. The CLP support anything that will help our police do their job, but the last thing our hardworking police need is more red tape and confusion.”

“Natasha Fyles has had plenty of time to get this right, Territorians have been waiting for over 4 months for her secret ‘bail review’ and wanding has been trialled for over 2 years in Queensland.

“Once again Labor’s focus has been marketing themselves not making laws that make our streets safer and make it easier for Police to do their job.

“Again when it comes to raising the age of criminal responsibility, police have not been briefed on what these changes mean for them. We know that already, police, often become a taxi service for Territory Families and can wait hours before a child can be handed over, now this will get even worse.”

“With a Chief Minister so hell bent on not listening to anyone outside of her own party room is it any wonder the Government’s own survey of Police, Fire and Emergency service workers shows an employee satisfaction rate of just 53%, and 55% saying they are burnt out? Labor need to stop blaming police and start listening to them.”

“Natasha Fyles has been sent a strong message with only 16% of respondents feeling that any action had been taken on their views expressed in the last survey, showing Labor stopped listening years ago.

“Natasha Fyles can market herself all she wants but if she doesn’t listen to frontline workers and Territorians she will not make their lives better,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.