Today CLP Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro has called on Natasha Fyles to name the date and time for an open debate of Samara Laverty’s 26,000 strong petition.

“Over 26,000 people signed a petition mounting pressure on Natasha Fyles to bring it to Parliament for debate.

“Natasha Fyles must announce the date and time of the debate and open it up from a 16 minute debate to a full debate allowing the galleries to be full of Territorians wanting to listen.

“Shockingly over the weekend staff were threatened in broad daylight where yet another knife crime in a suburban bottle-shop allegedly took place. 

“Territorians waited 5 months for “an immediate bail review” which resulted in no changes to bail. They’re still waiting for Natasha Fyles’ knife crime strategy and while they wait more lives are at risk.

“Samara Laverty and every single person who is concerned for their safety and the safety of Territorians deserve to know when this debate will be had, and they deserve more than a lousy 16 minutes.”

“If we don’t see clarity from Natasha Fyles this week, it will be confirmation that the Chief Minister is scared to face a gallery full of people she has failed.”

“This is about saving lives not saving face for a Chief Minister in hiding.” said Mrs Finocchiaro.