Written questions put to the Fyles Labor Government from the Opposition have been returned, showing staggering figures of how much the escalating crime crisis is costing the taxpayer.

Shadow Treasurer, Bill Yan said, “The CLP Opposition has uncovered a staggering 43 Government Fleet Vehicles were stolen this financial year, compared to a much lower 14 vehicles being stolen the previous financial year – an increase of over 200%”

“From 2022-23, 13 NTG vehicles were written off due to criminal damage and theft, costing Territorians $635,159. Compared to $225,060 the year prior.

“This Fyles Labor Government used estimates to downplay crime even shouting down the room when we asked important questions about the impact crime is having to the bottom line.

“They can have their head in the sand all they like but the facts speak for themselves, as do Territorians who are continually under threat at home, work and in our community.”

“Over several Government Departments, the cost of crime has put additional strain on the already dire budget position. This means that more money is being spent on security guards, repairs and replacements of vehicles instead of roads, hospitals and schools.”

“Under Natasha Fyles as crime rises so does Labor’s diabolical debt ultimately to be repaid by taxpayers.” Mr Yan said.