Today CLP Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro has addressed police at the NTPA Annual Conference in Darwin calling out Labor Ministers for their disrespect towards our incredible police force.

This follows recent comments made by Labor’s Multicultural Affairs Minister Ngaree Ah Kit and repeated by Chief Minister Natasha Fyles encouraging residents to call police in instances where kids are on the street, showing Labor have no understanding of the impact their mismanagement is having on police.

“Police could not have been more vocal about the fact that not only are they under-resourced but the resources they do have are being used by the Fyles Government for duties other than policing.

“Our rank and file are not a taxi rank.” she said.

“The CLP asked questions during Budget Estimates on how much police time was going towards transporting people to other facilities or taking people home. Consistent with Labor’s pattern of not answering questions, the Police Minister Kate Worden claimed not to have these figures.

“The CLP has now uncovered in responses to written questions that nearly one third of people picked up by police are using them as a taxi service. Two thirds of all people apprehended by police are taken home to sobering up shelters or hospital. Only one third to the watch house.

“For the reporting period July 2022 – March 2023 (less than a full year) police made 1,733 trips taking people home, and 471 trips to hospital.

“Alarmingly, police also took people to sobering up shelters 3,357 times.

“Police trips dropping people to sobering up shelters has increased, showing Labor have no solutions when it comes to alcohol dependency and the impact this is having across the Territory.

“Our cops leave their families every day to protect ours, yet their desperate calls for support continue to be ignored by the Labor Government.”

“Territorians know they are paying a high price for Labor’s weak approach to crime and none more so than our exhausted police.” said Mrs Finocchiaro

The CLP Opposition Leader used her speech to reiterate her promises to the frontline that the CLP would strengthen the laws, empower police and ensure police had a seat at the table when it comes to decision making.

“Accountability is important to me, you should have a Chief Minister that is happy to have the hard conversations and won’t shirk the work.” Mrs Finocchiaro told police.