Today the Opposition welcomes the review into police resourcing and says it must be transparent so calls on the Government to name the date the full report will be made public.

CLP Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said, “While the review is welcomed the Labor Government has yet again had to be dragged to this announcement kicking and screaming. 

“The Opposition first called for this review in May last year and since then has in Parliament put forward motions on no less than seven occasions calling for this urgent review only to be shut down by Labor on every occasion”

“In June, Labor’s Police Minister Kate Worden said the review would happen within six months, yet now we know this isn’t likely to be completed until March next year.

“How many police have we seen quit while Kate Worden and Labor sat on their hands?

“It is concerning we have had Government announce when the report is likely to be presented to them but not when it will be presented to the public. 

“This is particularly concerning given the Government’s immediate bail review took 5 months to be made public.

“A review is only the first step, this Government has the opportunity to work with us to act on the requests of police now including strengthening bail, mandatory sentencing for those who assault police and stronger laws to empower police to better deal with alcohol.” Mrs Finocchiaro said.