Today CLP Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro marked one year to go to the NT election by calling on Territorians to think about the choice they will make on the 24th of August next year and not to reward Labor for their failures.

“In just one years’ time Territorians will make the most important choice that will decide the future of the Territory.”

“A choice for more Labor with skyrocketing crime and cost of living, an economy going backwards the last in the nation, a list of major projects which sits collecting dust, a Territory under Labor where a closed for business sign hangs scaring away investment and forcing us to miss out to other states.

“Or they can chose a Territory under the CLP. A Safe, Strong Territory.

“A Territory that will be the powerhouse of our nation, a place where opportunity beckons and where anything is possible.

“A Territory where the streets are under control, where people are safe, a growing population and an economy that is forging forward at a rate of knots.

“Labor have failed Territorians, their destruction of our lifestyle is seeing long term Territorians pack up and leave, it is unforgivable but it is not irreversible.

“I know the best days for the Territory are ahead of us.

“I see a Territory where you don’t have to think about where to park your car or if it’s safe to take the kids out for an ice cream.

“An affordable Territory with thriving mining, gas, agricultural, construction and tourism industries providing secure long term jobs and own source revenue.

“I know what it takes to achieve that Territory and my team and I have a Plan to:

  • Take back control of our streets 
  • Rebuild the Territory’s reputation
  • Get our economy moving forwards

“Every day over the next year we will be out speaking with Territorians and asking for their support of our Plan, for a Safe and Strong Territory.” Mrs Finocchiaro said.