Today Deputy Opposition Leader Gerard Maley says he is outraged at the Labor Government’s ‘Knife Crime Strategy’ which announces no legislative changes and has accused the Labor Government of choosing cuddles over consequences.

Mr Maley said, “Just like the bail review which took 5 months to announce no changes to bail, the knife crime strategy that Natasha Fyles and Chansey Paech promised in March would ‘stamp out knife crime’ has taken 6 months to recommend no legislative changes.”

“Once again Labor has chosen review over reform. Marketing over legislating.

“This Strategy is another Labor plan to make a plan and have that plan evaluated in two years.

“Territorians don’t want to be trained to deal with knife crime they want to live their life knowing they won’t be confronted with a knife.

“Labor’s answer is more security and de-escalation measures not less crime. And with no budget allocation it looks like once again its business picking up the tab.”

“10,000 of the 26,000 people that have signed Samara Laverty’s Petition after the Government ignored their calls for stronger bail, and today’s announcement will no doubt anger Territorians further.

“To every Territorian who wants to be safe I encourage you to come to Parliament tomorrow at 10am when Samara Laverty’s petition will be debated.” Mr Maley said.