Today the CLP’s amendment to the bail act will be debated and if passed will see all serious violent offenders start with a position of no bail.

“Natasha Fyles’ farcical ‘immediate’ 5 month bail review which resulted in no changes to the bail act has outraged the community. Today she has the opportunity to admit she got it wrong and finally strengthen the law to make Territorians safe.

“Under Labor, serious violent criminals are being put back on our streets and offending again.

“Serious violent criminals don’t deserve a second chance to be back out on our streets terrorising families living in fear.

“In the last two months alone there have been serious aggravated assaults while the offender was out on bail.

“The CLP recently uncovered that of the 127 youths that were bailed with electronic monitoring devices by police, 55% of them went on to commit multiple offences while on bail.

“This has got to stop and today it can.

“Natasha Fyles and Chansey Paech continue to try and blame the courts, police and anyone else they can for their failures on crime when the issue is their weak laws,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.