Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Shadow Treasurer – Bill Yan

Today’s National Accounts paint another grim picture for the Northern Territory’s economy under Natasha Fyles. This quarter’s results now puts the Territory in a technical recession.

Shadow Treasurer Bill Yan today said, “Once again we are last in the nation with our state final demand going backwards by a further 1% showing another contraction in our economy. Comparatively neighbouring states Queensland and South Australia improved their economic positon moving forwards with positive growth of 1.3%. What this means for Territorians is we are seeing less investment, impacting long term secure jobs, opportunities and the putting more pressure on the ever rising cost of living.

“While Natasha Fyles and her Treasurer are flitting off overseas, charging tax payers $10k a day, the impact of their economic mismanagement is being felt by Territorians. Labor could not be more out of touch.

“Territorians have had a gutful of Labor’s spin and excuses, crime is out of control, the Territory’s reputation is in tatters and our economy continues to go backwards.”

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said it was incredibly worrying to see a drop in the level of mining infrastructure investment which she says sits at the feet of the Labor Government who create constant uncertainty for the industry.

“We have the best mining potential in the world but we’ll continue to miss out with a Chief Minister more concerned about keeping her job than growing jobs for Territorians.

“Labor’s shifting goal posts and failed tax regimes send exactly the wrong signal to potential investors. We can see this now with the tricky and deliberate delays around developing Middle Arm.

“There is simply no excuse for a frontier economy like the Territory’s not to be exceling given the resource potential we have right here on our doorstep.

“While Labor are focused on themselves, we’re focused on Territorians and have a plan to take back control of our streets, rebuild the Territory’s reputation and move our economy forwards.” Mrs Finocchiaro said.