Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Crime is out of control.

Since 2016 under the Territory Labor Government:

  • Homicide and related offences up 57.14%
  • Acts intended to cause injury up 68.26%
  • Sexual assault and related offences up 21.04%
  • Dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons up 20.41%
  • Abduction, harassment and other offences up 18.36%
  • Robbery, extortion and related offences up 271.28%
  • Offences against the person up 64.23%
  • House break-ins up 111.06%
  • Commercial break-ins up 68.80%
  • Theft and related offences up 16.05%
  • Property damage offences up 58.78%
  • Property offences up 41.63%
  • Domestic violence assaults up 89.90%
  • Alcohol-related assaults up 53.89%
  • Total assaults up 68.46%

On 30 August 2023, the Chief Minister said during Parliament, “On this side of the House we will take the steps necessary to keep our community safe.” Yet they continue to vote down measures to combat crime.

In total there has been over 220,000 offences of crime in the last seven years, making it a statistical certainty that you either have been a victim of crime, or know someone who has been a victim of crime.

When Labor voted down the CLP’s stronger bail laws during Parliament, the Chief Minister said it was, “purely based on perception”.

Labor puts the rights of criminals above the rights of Territorians. You can’t trust Labor.

Only the CLP has a plan to take back control of our streets, rebuild the Territory’s reputation and get our economy moving forward.