Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Today in Question Time Natasha Fyles handballed five questions to her captain’s pick Police Minister in an astonishing display of avoiding and dodging accountability.

Off the back of her announcement yesterday which blindsided two major representative groups – Hospitality NT and the NT Police Association, she couldn’t even answer questions directed at her, using the ‘standing orders’ to shield herself from the CLP’s line of attack.

On behalf of Territorians the CLP asked Natasha Fyles seven questions today and she only answered two.

Natasha Fyles has a track record of hiding from scrutiny and deflecting responsibility but today is a new low in blatant disrespect for Territorians.

The CLP asked serious questions including:

  • This morning on ABC radio you said, “The job I’ve got is to keep Territorians safe.” Chief Minister when the crime stats show that just this year alone to September, house break-ins are up 35%, homicide is up 53% and abduction and harassment are up 25%, will you admit that again this year you are failing at your job?

This question which goes to the core responsibility for a Chief Minister to keep people safe was handballed to Brent Potter.

Yesterday’s announcement was a pathetic backflip that fails to deliver on the concerns of Territorians and today’s performance in Question Time reinforces that Natasha Fyles still does not think community safety is her responsibility and she’ll continue to play politics with people’s lives.

Labor can continue to operate in secret but their failings are no secret to Territorians who bear the brunt of Labor’s failures every single day.

Natasha Fyles will clearly finish the year in Parliament how she started, policy on the run, without consultation and taking no responsibility for the duty she has to Territorians.