Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

In politics, disunity is death, and the disastrous deal delivered by Territory Labor shows that they are irreparably tearing themselves apart, focussed solely on themselves and not on the Territory.

Three Chief Ministers, two of them unelected, and the second reshuffle in as many months, Territorians now have to suffer through Labor’s next attempt at a desperate refresh, with widespread Ministerial changes to come.

But there is nothing fresh about Lawler and Paech, with their hypocritical ‘three top priorities’ of jobs, cost of living, and safety. How far is Labor willing to go to mislead Territorians into thinking these captains of an economy going backwards, cost of living increases, and skyrocketing crime are going to go to turn this ship around.

For seven long years Eva Lawler and Chansey Paech have been key decision makers in a Labor Government that has been embroiled in integrity scandals, delivering sky-rocketing crime, and an economy going backwards.

As Treasurer, Eva Lawler has delivered record debt, higher cost of living, the worst performing economy in the nation, and an under resourced police force. Who can forget that it was Eva Lawler who cut the solar feed-in tariff and raised power prices in a cost of living crisis.

As Attorney-General, Chansey Paech has tied the hands of police by raising the age of criminal responsibility which is delivering less consequences not less crime, and staunchly defended the ending of Stronger Futures which saw unprecedented levels of alcohol fuelled crime.

Both have a track record of aggressive outbursts and racially divisive politics.

The bitter infighting and backroom deals that have produced this disastrous deal will rear its head very soon.

Trust is not a currency Labor can trade in, and this bloodbath does nothing to inspire confidence in a future under Labor.-END-