Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

What is it going to take for Labor to understand that our police force is in crisis, crime is destroying people’s lives and their policies are only making things worse.

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) Resource Review Survey Results paint a grim picture of the state of policing in the Territory. With nearly half of eligible members responding, it’s clear that the NT Police Force is struggling to meet demand. 

The overwhelming sentiment among officers is one of chronic understaffing, excessive overtime, and a profound lack of support from the Labor Government.

It is clear that despite a new Chief Minister and a smooth talking Police Minister, nothing is changing for our hard working police. Unfortunately Labor has given up, when asked about crime on local radio Brent Potter said, “We’re never going to stop crime.”

Key findings reveal an alarming level of dissatisfaction and burnout among officers, with a staggering 76.44% considering leaving the force altogether within the last 6 months. This exodus threatens to worsen existing staffing shortages and further compromise public safety across the Territory.

This is the third survey to show that over 90% of police do not feel supported by Labor.

Remote service presents its own set of challenges, with inadequate housing, staffing shortages, and a lack of work-life balance driving officers away from these postings. Despite the unique demands of remote policing, only a small fraction of respondents expressed interest in such positions.

What is it going to take for Labor to understand that our police force is in crisis, crime is destroying people’s lives and their policies are wrong.

After years of the CLP calling for an independent review, one is finally, currently underway with an interim report due shortly. The CLP have written to Labor’s Police Minister asking for his commitment to release this report at the same time to all members of Parliament. Anything else will show a politicisation of the review and undermine its independence. The Police Minister is yet to respond.

Only the CLP will give police the powers they need to deal with youth offenders, public drinking and people who assault workers.

Our plan focuses on driving down crime, which is exactly what police and our community needs.

The CLP has committed to supporting law enforcement by reducing crime rates. We will equip police with necessary resources and laws to ensure public safety. As Chief Minister, I will personally oversee the Police Portfolio to prioritise community safety, providing for a Safe, Strong Territory.