Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Once more, the Territory Labor Government finds itself in turmoil as Deputy Chief Minister Chansey Paech’s personal investment in a liquor wholesale company has come to light, just two months prior to the lifting of the Stronger Futures alcohol bans on remote communities in 2022.

What we’re seeing here is a glaring confirmation of the ongoing issues surrounding Labor, integrity and accountability.

The timing of Mr. Paech’s investment happened while he was a Minister and coincides with the decision by Cabinet in which he sat, to allow the expiration of Stronger Futures.

Today Eva Lawler confirmed her Deputy did not declare the conflict in Cabinet.

When asked did Chansey Paech recuse himself from Cabinet decisions regarding alcohol bans in town camps, Eva Lawler said, “No I did not ever hear him say that.”

Remember back in December 2023 when Natasha Fyles resigned amidst a scandal that bears an uncanny resemblance to this one? Now, we find ourselves with the Deputy Leader under scrutiny, facing similar questions.

This situation highlights a fundamental truth: this government is operating with a blatant disregard for the rules. Despite their promises of openness and transparency back in 2016, they’ve fallen short.

It’s clear that the right course of action for Chansey Paech is to follow Natasha Fyles’ example and resign. He can’t evade serious questions any longer.

Chansey Paech is Eva Lawler’s pick for Deputy, and she should call on him to stand down.  The public deserves accountability and transparency from their elected officials, not evasion and cover-ups.

It’s clear they’ve failed to meet the expectations of the community. This isn’t just about politics; it’s about the very fabric of trust between the Northern Territory Government and Territorians.

How many times must we witness the same pattern of behaviour from this government before they realise they’re not above the rules.

Eva Lawler’s review into the rules is welcome, but it is too little too late.