Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Just when Territorians thought Labor’s integrity crisis couldn’t get any worse, Chansey Paech in an extraordinary act of self-interest, used his power during question time to shut down a censure of Eva Lawler for her failure to act on his shares scandal.

The CLP continued for the third day of Parliament to ask questions of Eva Lawler around her failure to take action as required by the Ministerial Code of Conduct and her failure to confirm how Chansey Paech and Natasha Fyles handled his conflict in cabinet at the time it discussing the expiration of Stronger Futures.

The irony of having the person Eva Lawler is protecting, stand up to protect her from a censure motion should not be lost on Territorians.

It is clear to the CLP that Eva Lawler is protecting Chansey Paech because if he goes, so does she.