Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

While Territorians are struggling with Labor’s crime crisis, skyrocketing cost of living, and loss of lifestyle, Labor are only focused on themselves.

The Labor Party’s only focus is to keep their jobs, at all costs.

The posts by Brent Potter show how out of touch he is with not only the people of Fannie Bay as their local member, the Police Force as their Minister, but all Territorians.

For Eva Lawler to stand by the new Police Minister, not even willing to front media to explain her decision, supporting someone who has shared material that is offensive to women, gay people, our multicultural community, even going as far as posting a Nazi general, shows she is not up to the job of leading the Territory.

Where is the line for Eva Lawler? She said Natasha Fyles who resigned in scandal, was a ‘very good Chief Minister’, she backed Chansey Paech when he failed to declare his conflict of interest, and now she’s backing comments by Brent Potter that are clearly a reflection of his poor character.

The hypocrisy of how Brent Potter and Eva Lawler hold themselves to one standard, but have a different standard for our police is unforgivable. They were both quick to jump on police to be investigated for racism in the middle of an ongoing coronial. It has been made clear by the NTPA that our police rightly again feel betrayed by Labor.

Brent Potter’s apology should have happened yesterday. An apology is not enough, Eva Lawler needs to remove him as Police Minister and if she is incapable of showing leadership, Brent Potter must do the right thing and remove himself.