Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Today’s announcement comes with no clear pathway on how Labor is going to stop police leaving in droves.

With 126 police departing the force last year, recruiting 50 police a year will not increase the bottom line until they address attrition.

Eva Lawler has been sitting on the police review for 6 months and this is the best they can do?

Recruitment is one part of strengthening the force, but equally important is giving our police a reason to stay and drive down crime.

Labor cannot continue to pour water into a bucket full of holes and expect to fill the bucket.

For years, the CLP has called for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the police crisis to address retention, morale, health and wellbeing. Instead, Labor did a behind-closed-doors review which they have sat on for 6 weeks and failed to make public. 

The police have been very clear that they need better powers to deal with youth offending and alcohol-related crime; they need better powers to protect themselves.

This is why the CLP will:

  • lower the age of criminal responsibility
  • deliver compulsory alcohol treatment
  • remove Youth Justice from Territory Families
  • enforce minimum mandatory sentencing for assaults on police
  • fix the broken police disciplinary system
  • give police back the ability to use spit hoods
  • I will hold the Police portfolio as Chief Minister

A CLP-led Government will deliver a Safe, Strong Territory by taking back control of our streets, rebuilding the Territory’s reputation and as a result get our economy moving forward.