Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Shadow Minister for Territory Families – Joshua Burgoyne MLA

Eva Lawler and her disgraced Police Minister Brent Potter cannot be trusted to keep Territorians safe despite today’s desperate pledge.

Territorians will judge Labor on their actions not their words, – robberies in Darwin are up 262% in Labor’s 8 years is just one example of many.

Territorians will not forget that Eva Lawler could only bring herself to say “crime” once in her budget speech last year and gave a minuscule increase of $2 million for police despite the high levels of crime.

Labor have not and cannot deliver community safety because Chansey Paech and Eva Lawler refuse to strengthen the laws and give police better powers.

Territorians won’t be taken for fools and know Labor cannot be trusted to reduce crime and make the community safer.

Crime in the Territory is totally out of control and Eva Lawler and Labor have no plan to deliver real consequences for offending or pathways out of crime.

Territorians are leaving in droves with 868 moving interstate last quarter.  We cannot have a strong economy while law and order is out of control as businesses continue to shut their doors due to threats to staff, damage to property and excessive insurance costs.

The CLP will always back police, starting by immediately giving them the powers and resources they need to do their job safely and effectively. Working together with them, we will reduce crime and rebuild the Territory.

This is why the CLP will:

  • lower the age of criminal responsibility
  • deliver compulsory alcohol treatment
  • remove Youth Justice from Territory Families
  • enforce minimum mandatory sentencing for assaults on police
  • fix the broken police disciplinary system
  • give police back the ability to use spit hoods
  • I will hold the Police portfolio as Chief Minister

A CLP Government will rebuild the Territory, starting with making our streets safe and backing our police.