Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Shadow Treasurer – Bill Yan MLA

The Labor Government today has shown that it is out of touch, out of ideas and just not listening to Territorians.

The battlelines for the August election have been drawn, showing that Eva Lawler has all the wrong priorities, and no actual plan for the Territory.

Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said, “Labor showed Territorians today, that they do not understand what Territorians are going through – sky-rocketing crime, cost of living and an economy going backwards. Labor will only bring more of the same.

“The Territory’s economy is in freefall, cost of living is crippling families, our population is shrinking, crime is skyrocketing and Labor doesn’t have any new ideas to address it.

Shadow Treasurer, Bill Yan said, “Eva Lawler has failed to deliver for Territorians, with re-announcements on previous promises that she has even failed to start.”

Labor is all debt, and no delivery – with no plan to immediately address community safety, cost of living or get our economy moving forward. A record level of debt with nothing to show for it.

106 businesses closed their doors last year and 8,800 Territorians are working two jobs, just to keep the lights on

Labor’s Budget Failures:

  • Record Net Debt blowing out from $9.4 billion to $11 billion as a result of the largest deficit in the Territory’s history with nothing to show for it.
  • Less money in the pockets of Territorians with no cost of living relief in sight.
  • Labor’s own forecasts show that they’re failing to get Territorians into work faster. With employment growth lagging behind into the forward estimates – compared to this year and the previous year, and unemployment set to increase.
  • Eva Lawler didn’t mention her previous target of a $40 billion economy by 2030 once – a clear admission that she has walked away from the commitment of a strong economy and that she has no vision for the future.
  • Labor’s health Budget next year will have $120 million less than this year. Which means less health services available to Territorians when they need it most.
  • Contrary to the $90 million announcement made by Labor, Police will only see a $23 million increase to their Budget – from $538 million in 2023-24 to $561 million. Which highlights the desperation from a government that’s scrambling before an election.
  • There was no mention of our agricultural industry by Eva Lawler, a key pillar of the Territory’s economy. With cuts to Agriculture, Fisheries and Biosecurity of $15 million.
  • Labor’s Eva Lawler delivered a record revote of $3.4 billion in the Budget today, showing she has failed to deliver for Territorians.
  • The Budget does not include a coordinated population plan – there is no money set aside to attract people to the Northern Territory. Even tourism remains the same strategy of ‘market harder’ without any acknowledgment of fixing the issues driving tourists away.

Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said, “To say Labor’s budget was uninspiring is an understatement. It does not deliver hope. It does not deliver growth. It does not deliver for Territorians. It was the Budget Territorians can’t afford, and the Budget that Eva Lawler can’t deliver on.”

“Today, it has been made clear, only a change of government will change the Territory for the better.”