Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

The true extent of Labor’s crime crisis has been laid bare today, following an astonishing admission that the Territory’s crime rates for the past four months have been under represented.

Today Labor admitted that crime stats have been under reported by 15%.

It also admitted that data for the months of December 2023 to February 2024 may increase by a further 5-10% and data for the month March 2024 may increase by a further 10-15%

“Territorians do not trust Labor on crime because they continue to put the rights of offenders above Territorians’ right to be safe. 

“Territorians have been told for 8 years by 3 different Labor Chief Ministers that crime is either a media beat up, just their perception and now they are being flat out lied to,” said Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro.

 “Labor has a track record of playing down how seriously crime is impacting the lives, businesses and lifestyle of Territorians.

Despite the crime statistics for the month of March 2024 being under reported they still showed huge increases in crime across the Territory compared to the previous month.

  • Robberies are up across the NT 75.76%
  • Car thefts in Alice Springs up 350%
  • Theft in Nhulunbuy up 300%
  • House break-ins in Nhulunbuy up 200%
  • Robberies in Alice Springs up 133.33%
  • Robberies in Darwin are up 100%
  • Car thefts in Palmerston up 40%
  • House break-ins in Katherine up 60%
  • Domestic violence assaults in Tennant up 20.69%

“In 8 years under Labor, robbery across the Territory is up 247.66% and house break-ins Territory-wide have increased 109.28% in that time.

“Territorians are paying for Labor’s crime crisis. People have had a gutful and they are leaving because of it. 

“Only the CLP has a Plan of Action to reduce crime, starting with immediately strengthening laws and increasing power for our police.

The CLP will in week 1 of parliament:

  • reverse the government’s disastrous bail laws by making sure that serious violent offenders start with a position of no bail;
  • make breach of bail conditions an offence;
  • lower the age of criminal responsibility so that young people and their parents can be held accountable for their crimes;
  • give police greater powers when it comes to wanding to stop knife crime;
  • empower police to deal with problem drunks by giving greater power under the 2km rule; and
  • as Chief Minster I would hold the police portfolio because community safety will be the greatest priory of a CLP Government 

A CLP Government will reduce crime, rebuild our economy and restore our lifestyle.