Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

The latest government crime statistics back up revelations from estimates over the huge impact of Labor’s crime crisis on Territorians.

“During the month of April in the Northern Territory, we sadly saw more Territorians become victims of crime,” Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro said.

The release of government crime statistics for April 2024 further exposes the alarming crime rates with rises since last month:

  • Car thefts are up across the NT 22.5%
  • Car theft in Katherine up 400%
  • Alcohol-related assaults in Nhulunbuy up 300%
  • Alice Springs commercial beak-ins up 127.78%
  • Commercial break-ins in Tennant Creek up 100%
  • Car thefts in Palmerston up 42.86%
  • Palmerston commercial break-ins up 28.57%
  • Theft in Katherine in 33.33%
  • Alcohol-related assaults in Darwin up 5.94%

“In 8 years under Labor, robbery, extortion and related offences  across the Territory are up 275% and house break-ins Territory-wide have increased 108.43%% in that time.

“These latest statistics follow on from questioning of Police Minister Brent Potter in estimates where he admitted 199,000 calls to the emergency call centre are forecast this financial year, which equates to 545 calls every day.

“Labor was also forced to admit other impacts of crime such as that 299 police have been assaulted from July last year to March this year and police over time to deal with skyrocketing crime rates was up 7% costing $15 million.

“Eva Lawler and her Labor Government has no solutions to the crime crisis to make Territorians lives safer.”

Only the CLP has a Plan of Action to reduce crime, starting with immediately strengthening laws and increasing power for our police.

If elected, the CLP will in week 1 of parliament:

  • reverse the government’s disastrous bail laws by making sure that serious violent offenders start with a position of no bail;
  • make breach of bail conditions an offence;
  • lower the age of criminal responsibility so that young people and their parents can be held accountable for their crimes;
  • give police greater powers when it comes to wanding to stop knife crime;
  • empower police to deal with problem drunks by giving greater power under the 2km rule; and
  • as Chief Minster I would hold the police portfolio because community safety will be the greatest priory of a CLP Government

A CLP Government will reduce crime, rebuild our economy and restore our lifestyle.