Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro
Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs – Gerard Maley MLA
The Territory’s multicultural groups will be able to grow and expand into new facilities under a $1 million commitment by the CLP.
As part of a two-fold Plan to support our multicultural community, the CLP will invest $1 million to help improve existing cultural facilities while fast-tracking the release of land for multicultural groups who want to build their own cultural centres and places of worship.
“The Territory is home to many multicultural groups who are ready and wanting to expand but have limited facilities or nowhere to go,” said Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro.
“There is a desperate need by community groups for land to build their own centres with many different groups having to share and hire cultural halls to host their gatherings and events.
“As a result, our existing Halls and Cultural Centres are bursting at the seams and are in need of urgent upgrades to ensure their amenities can cater for increased demand.”
Under the CLP’s new Multicultural Facilities Grant Program, groups will be able to access up to $50,000 for upgrades and improvements to their facilities with a $1 for $1 co-contribution from each group.
The Cambodian Association of the NT are eager to upgrade their Khmer Temple in Darwin, which currently has no walls. President, Kim-Soum Puon, says the group was struggling to accommodate their growing community of over 300 members.
“We want to enclose our main Hall and build walls so that we can have a proper place to host our members instead of holding our events out on the lawn,” she said.
“We also need a proper kitchen as we are cooking outside in the heat and the rain and it is unsafe with children running around.”
Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Gerard Maley, said the new funding would assist more than 60 different multicultural groups in the NT who have thousands of members.
“Our multicultural groups are proud Territorians. The CLP’s plan will allow our multicultural groups to grow and ensure their members can continue to make important social and economic contributions to the Territory,” said Mr Maley.
The new Facilities grant program will be in addition to the existing $750,000 Multicultural Grant Program, which helps groups to host community events.