Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro

Shadow Treasurer – Bill Yan MLA

Shadow Minister for Youth – Joshua Burgoyne MLA

Alice Springs residents are fed-up with this Labor Government’s failure to deal with crime and make the community feel safe.

The Lawler Labor Government is tired and divided and only has one blunt tool to try to reduce crime with its curfew.

“Alice Springs residents do not trust Labor, and they know that Eva Lawler and Chansey Paech have no plan to make locals or tourists feel safe.

“Alice deserves better than this incompetent government and people are sick and tired of the inaction,” Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said.

The Alice Springs’ reputation for tourists continues to be destroyed by Labor failing to drive down crime.

“We have seen the huge brawl with numerous weapons in the CBD yesterday as well as more incidents in the suburbs outside the curfew zone showing Labor has no clue how to deal with their never-ending crime crisis,” Shadow Treasurer, Bill Yan said.

“The CBD brawl which took place yesterday should have been a clear message to Labor that they are failing to address crime and need to act.  Instead of acting, they are doing nothing once again to the detriment of the Alice Springs community.  Enough is enough, people have the right to feel safe and under this Labor Government the sad reality for many locals is they simply do not,” Shadow Minister for Youth, Josh Burgoyne said

Only the CLP has a Plan of Action to reduce crime, starting with immediately strengthening laws and increasing power for our police.

Under a CLP Government, the Police portfolio will sit with the Chief Minister.

If elected, the CLP will in week 1 of parliament:

·         reverse the government’s disastrous bail laws by making sure that serious violent offenders start with a position of no bail;

·         make breach of bail conditions an offence;

·         lower the age of criminal responsibility so that young people and their parents can be held accountable for their crimes;

·         give police greater powers when it comes to wanding to stop knife crime;

·         empower police to deal with problem drunks by giving greater powers under the 2km rule.

A CLP Government will reduce crime, rebuild our economy and restore our lifestyle.