28 June 2024 | Media Releases

Giving Alice Springs a sporting chance

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro Shadow Minister for Youth – Joshua Burgoyne MLA Shadow Minister for Health – Bill Yan MLA The CLP will deliver $15 million to kick-start a new multi-sports precinct in Alice Springs to help rebuild the town’s reputation and restore its lifestyle, which has been decimated by Labor. The new multi-sports precinct will span …

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27 June 2024 | Media Releases

CLP to freeze car rego bills and offer free driver’s license

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro Deputy Leader of the Opposition – Gerard Maley The CLP team will ease the rising cost of living pressures for Territorians by freezing car registration for 12 months and making all driver’s licenses free for a year. The car rego fee freeze will apply to 150,000 cars and motorbikes while the free licences …

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24 June 2024 | Media Releases

More Territorians Impacted By Crime Under Labor

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro The latest government crime statistics back up revelations from estimates over the huge impact of Labor’s crime crisis on Territorians. “During the month of April in the Northern Territory, we sadly saw more Territorians become victims of crime,” Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro said. The release of government crime statistics for April …

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20 June 2024 | Media Releases

Labor has No Integrity

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro This Labor government continues to show it is dishonest with no integrity, with its failure to take action on Michael Gunner’s travel scandal. “The Lawler Government is divided and dishonest and incapable of making an honest decision,” Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro said. Labor’s motion on the last day of this Parliament …

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19 June 2024 | Media Releases

Labor’s crime crisis exposed again

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro The alarming crime crisis under this government has been exposed with admissions of an explosion in assaults on police and calls to 000 in the past year. Under sustained questioning in Estimates, Police Minister Brent Potter admitted 199,000 calls to the emergency call centre are forecast this financial year, which equates to 545 …

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11 June 2024 | Media Releases

Territory All Wrong Under Labor: Crime Up and Economy Down

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro The Chief Minister, Eva Lawler, in Estimates today, continued to show how out of touch she is on the state of the Territory economy. Under questioning in Estimates, Eva Lawler, also the Treasurer, said, “I absolutely take 100% responsibility for the economy and the economy in the Northern Territory is in a good …

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6 June 2024 | Media Releases

Labor’s Failed Economic Management Under Lawler

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro The Territory’s economy is going backwards under Eva Lawler, highlighted with State Final Demand down by 7.9% in the March 2024 quarter, compared to the previous quarter (Dec 2023). The figures, released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, also show consumption declined by 2.7%, as well as a huge 21.9% fall in public …

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30 May 2024 | Media Releases

More Bad Economic News Under Labor

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro Shadow Minister for Business, Jobs and Training – Marie-Clare Boothby MLA Territory Labor’s economic mismanagement is confirmed with newly released data showing the Territory had a large drop in residential building approvals. ABS dwelling approvals released today reveal approvals for the 10 months to April 2024 were down 40%, or 202 fewer, compared …

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22 May 2024 | Media Releases

Labor continues to hide riot damage bill

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro Deputy Chief Minister, Chansey Paech, has refused to come clean about how much Territory taxpayers will have to pay for a riot at the Darwin Correctional Facility in 2020. In Question Time today, Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro revealed this year’s Labor Budget contained a “once-off insurance reimbursement” of $10.27 Million for “works at …

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22 May 2024 | Media Releases

Labor Divided on Gas

Leader of the Opposition – Lia Finocchiaro Labor has shown its true colours in Parliament with Minister Selena Uibo tabling a petition against the Middle Arm project that has divided support within Labor ranks. The petition was from the nurses’ union with Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation NT branch Secretary Cath Hatcher on radio this morning calling for the funding …

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