4 February 2021 | Media Releases


Shadow Attorney-General, Steve Edgington, is calling on the Minister for Alcohol Policy, Natasha Fyles, to explain why a letter sent from her office, and relied upon by the Liquor Commission in its review of liquor licences in the Barkly region, hasn’t been made public. “A letter from the Minister for Alcohol Policy, Natasha Fyles, which is dated November 2020, is …

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3 February 2021 | Media Releases


Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Chief Minister can no longer ignore the growing outrage from the community regarding youth crime after the peak body representing more than 99% of the Territory’s police force called on the Gunner Government to take immediate action. The arrogance and ignorance of this government has been highlighted by the Northern Territory Police …

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23 September 2020 | Media Releases

Remote unsealed roads need ‘rip and reform’ attention across the Territory

The Gunner Labor Government needs to address the worsening state of many of the Territory’s regional and remote unsealed roads with a ‘rip and reform’ program, Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said today. It’s apparent that many roads have been graded down to the point where they have become a flood risk, with large mounds of soil lining each side of …

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23 September 2020 | Media Releases

Election is over, now Gunner Government needs to tackle antisocial behaviour and youth crime in Alice Springs

Alice Springs is in the middle of a youth crisis with an increasing number of young people on the streets engaging in anti-social behaviour, especially at night, which unfortunately leads to instances of crime. The Gunner Government needs to do its job and address these issues, not just in Alice Springs but in other problem areas across the Territory, Shadow …

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18 September 2020 | Media Releases

CLP announces new Shadow Ministry

“I am very pleased to announce this fresh CLP Shadow Ministry. Every CLP member will become a member of the Shadow Cabinet. “I have tremendous faith in the capacity of each CLP member to hold the Gunner Government to account. We have a diverse range of experiences and backgrounds which make us an agile and formidable team. “I have consulted …

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16 September 2020 | Media Releases

Gerard Maley elected CLP Deputy Leader

Gerard Maley, the new Member for Nelson has been elected the new Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Leader of the Country Liberal Party in the inaugural meeting of the new Country Liberal Party team, Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said today. “I am delighted to announce Gerard Maley has been elected as my Deputy Leader. “Gerard is a former …

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9 September 2020 | Media Releases

Michael Gunner’s first decision as Treasurer is to cut budget scrutiny

The first decision this term of the Gunner Government has been to cut budget scrutiny – cutting the estimates process from the usual six days to four days, Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said. The new Legislative Assembly meeting dates were published today, giving just four days for Estimates hearings, despite there being ample time after the introduction of the budget …

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7 September 2020 | Media Releases

Government must make riot report public

The Government must make the report into the prison riots of 13 May 2020 public, Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said. “In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the Territory experienced the most dangerous and destructive prison riot in its history. More than 20 prisoners escaped from their cells and laid siege to the Darwin Correctional Centre for five hours, burning …

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6 September 2020 | Media Releases

Out of the frying pan, into the fire

The only person less capable of serving as Treasurer than Nicole Manison, is Michael Gunner, Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said. “In the wake of four years of relentless negative economic and fiscal management, it was prudent that the Treasurer lose her job,” Mrs Finocchiaro said. “However, the only person less capable of being Treasurer in the Gunner Government is Michael …

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5 September 2020 | Media Releases

A New Strong Opposition begins today

A Country Liberal Party team with eight Members in the Legislative Assembly will provide a strong opposition to hold the Gunner Government to account, Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said today. “Counting is now complete and I am very pleased to welcome Steve Edgington (Barkly) and Bill Yan (Namatjira) to our new Country Liberal Party team. Combined with earlier results showing …

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